Saturday, June 4, 2011

counter strike source wallpaper

counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike Source Wallpaper. Counter Strike: Source
  • Counter Strike Source Wallpaper. Counter Strike: Source

  • King Cobra
    Sep 15, 04:44 PM
    At Pascack Hills, I have been on computers running NT4 and Windoze 2000, and both have *rarely* crashed on me. However, it's not common for me to see OS X crash on me. Even when I had 10.1 on my iMac 233 for a short time, it did not crash one time.

    My point is that as stable as the Windoze OS is, as you point out, OS X, simply put, is even more stable. Although there are some issues with hardware, usually, that's with upgraded hardware, the OS performs very well under the power of the G4.

    I have also heard about XP not crashing as much as the previous OSs. So I'll say it as it is: The Windoze OS is improving, but incremently closer to perfect. If an error pops up, at least explain what should be done about.

    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter-Strike: Source
  • Counter-Strike: Source

  • agentkow
    Feb 18, 11:05 AM
    It's hard for me to look at that picture and not imagine them all sitting on one side of the table with Obama in the centre flanked by Jobs and Zuckerberg and the rest, Last Supper-style.

    counter strike source wallpaper. Wallpaper Counter Strike
  • Wallpaper Counter Strike

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 5, 04:11 PM
    I know I must be overtired ... I actually reached out and touched my screen to see if this was really 3-dimensional!

    That made me chuckle, I've done that before myself. :)

    Love it! My only qualm is how dark it is. If it had some more "pop" and was brightened up a bit I would be even more in love! Did you have lights inside that place?

    Thanks! I find monitor gama really makes or breaks this one. Small changes in the can really darken it up quickly. I have printed it out at 20x30 and it really worked well in my opinion. I'm just finishing up some web site programing before I can get back into my photography. Once I do I plan on revisiting this one. I want to try printing it on both regular paper and metallic.

    As for the lighthing I'm lucky I didn't break my neck that night. It was extreamly dark - no Moon and the cottages are wedged between some steep hills. I set the camera up on a tripod and took a couple of test shots for the framing. I just looked at the original images and there are only a couple of blurry images and one only lit from inside before this shot. I was using an old manual lens and must not have focused for the first couple but they were so dark it was hard to see on the LCD. (Still better than waiting for the film to develop.)

    Once I had the angle I thought I wanted -- it was still hard to tell on the preview -- I set the camera for remote trigger with a three second delay. I triggered the cammera and when the shutter opened up I held a deep blue Rosco gel over a five watt LED flashlight and swept it across the front of the building a few times.

    I then turned off the flashlight and dashed over the uneven ground into the room on the left. There I switched to a red gel and waved the light around the room for a couple of seconds. Then in the dark I ran around to the door and the room on the right. Here I again waved the flashlight around trying to give it an uneven wash. Then I stuck my head out the door and triggered the camera. The whole exposure was about 67 seconds.

    In this shot you can see how uneven the ground was. ;)

    In this and another shot from that night I used way too much light. I like the uneven texture of the red and blue image. The other two are just too flat. I do like the texture of the bricks in this one but overall I ruined the shot in my opinion. In the one above you can also see that I didn't have the flashlight fully covered. There is a bit of white light spilling in the foreground.

    If I were to do it again I would try putting a strobe in each room. I would need to find something to breakup the flash to get the uneven wash -- maybe some bottle partially filled with water. Then I could use the flashlight for the front lighting and maybe another strobe or two set very low for some side fill.

    Overall it was a fun exercise. I had wanted to do some light painting for a long time and I got really lucky for a first try at it.

    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike Source Team
  • Counter Strike Source Team

  • Abulia
    Sep 27, 10:48 AM

    :eek: :eek: :eek:


    counter strike source wallpaper. Innocent - Counter-Strike:
  • Innocent - Counter-Strike:

  • gallagb
    Nov 14, 08:56 AM
    guess the bigger question
    will this be available in coach or is this just a first class option?

    counter strike source wallpaper. CS Source Wallpaper. by
  • CS Source Wallpaper. by

  • Bosunsfate
    Nov 21, 04:43 PM
    Interesting concept, but their website ( scares me away in a hurry. What was that about making a good first impression?

    I find these comments about the website interesting...I guess we care more about a flashy site than a site that just provides the information on what they do in a simple effective way....

    I take it that they are spending their money on developing the chip and not on web design. :p


    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike: Source is
  • Counter Strike: Source is

  • mi5moav
    Sep 25, 10:08 AM
    So, I'm assuming 1.5 will not be available today but in October?? I wonder if the stolen RED VC has anything to do with macrumors RED announcement & Apple, though they thought it had to do with BONO and not with Oakley RED.

    counter strike source wallpaper. Brothers In Arms
  • Brothers In Arms

  • ArmCortexA8
    Oct 14, 05:21 AM
    I think the iPhone 4's screen is too small and has not increased in size physically since the original iphone launch almost 4 years ago. It's time for a screen size increase, either equivalent to or slightly smaller than HTC's 4.3" behemoth. Apple should go S-Amoled with IPS or OLED which requires no backlight and therefore extends battery life.


    counter strike source wallpaper. PC Game Counter-Strike: Source
  • PC Game Counter-Strike: Source

  • Silverfist
    Mar 24, 04:09 PM
    Holding out until inevitable $0.99 sale...



    counter strike source wallpaper. counter strike wallpaper
  • counter strike wallpaper

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 17, 10:07 PM
    LOL, yea because one of those large chunks of black plastic is soooo much better looking than the other two. None of the current consoles are "good" looking, if we're being totally honest. They are just boxes, that perform a function. Who cares?

    Tell that to Steve and see what happens, lol.

    I do like the way my Wii looks on the shelf. Its slick, plain, and small. The console itself just looks classy, especially the black wiis. The wiimotes on the other hand.... I keep those in a drawer so they dont stick out like ugly white remotes.


    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike Source.
  • Counter Strike Source.

  • SnowLeopard2008
    Apr 22, 10:07 PM
    The overreaction to the Intel HD3000 by people that have never used it is hysterical.

    The funniest part is watching people defend their C2D CPUs while dissing the Intel GPU.

    I agree. The Intel 3000 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. If you want to play games, don't bother with an Air. A computer is a tool. If it can't perform the function that you want it to (aka gaming), then why buy it? It's function over form. Not the other way around.

    As for the backlit keyboard, it's both function and form but I usually don't rely on it to type something unless I'm hunting for a key that I don't use very often. No, I don't memorize where the keys are, I just have been typing on a keyboard for many years and now where the keys are because that's how I learned to type.

    counter strike source wallpaper. Wallpaper Counter Strike
  • Wallpaper Counter Strike

  • MacPhilosopher
    Apr 16, 04:44 PM
    Yea unless he's awarded another Pulitzer that is... :rolleyes:

    Apple is really disgusting me with this $#*(%&*( behavior. They really need to completely reevaluate their criteria and make it CRYSTAL EFFING CLEAR what IS and was IS NOT acceptable and then stand by it. None of this 'reject Google Voice because it duplicates functionality' and then 'approve the Opera web browser'. Reject an APP because it 'ridicules public figures' and then plead that the author to resubmit it once he's awarded a Pulitzer...

    This wishy washy crap is really showing everyone just how UNDERHANDED they treat the whole process.

    They certainly need to do better, but there is no such thing as "crystal effing clear" in the censorship of media content. They will never make all sides happy. They at least need to keep in line with their history as a company that promotes "Think Different" in their PR. Suppressing ideas and creativity certainly doesn't fall under that flag.


    counter strike source wallpaper. counterstrike source
  • counterstrike source

  • sarcosis
    Jun 14, 02:53 PM
    Looks nice. Doesn't do anything for me since I would want it wired for online gaming. My real question is this, did they solve the RRoD. If they did, i might have to pick one of these baby's up when my 360 dies the next time (I'm on #4 or 5. I lost count!)

    counter strike source wallpaper. counter strike wallpaper.
  • counter strike wallpaper.

  • CaptMurdock
    Apr 23, 11:43 AM
    ... free everything and someone to teach us how to wipe our butts. We have this weird vision for American where everything should be an incentive to be responsible.

    anything else promotes irresponsibility

    How about you help get the Morality Police off our backs first and then we'll talk about the "incentive to be responsible"? I have a job, I take care of my family, I pay my bills, I'm not slicing co-eds' throats in the middle of the night, I'm not selling guns to Middle Eastern nutballs -- so at what point does the Holier-Than-Me crowd take me off its speed-dial? They say it's all about Personal Responsibility and yet when I achieve my Decent Member Of Society Merit Badge, they're still telling me how to live, and more to the point, what my wife does with her body.


    counter strike source wallpaper. Background Counter Strike
  • Background Counter Strike

  • djdole
    Mar 23, 04:57 PM
    I'm all for more agencies adopting Macs! Heck, one day we might be able to classify them as switchers :D

    You do understand that it's not that they're adopting them as their primary system for day to day use, but rather they're purchasing more because (with the slight increase in popularity of the OSX platform) they have to be able to counter said OSX threats.
    They're mirroring the increased OSX hacker population. This isn't really anything for any Apple fanboi to be proud of.

    Someone recently said Windows is a house with bars in a bad neighborhood and OSX being a house without locks in the country.
    That being true, the FBI is just reacting in the expected manner to the increasing the number of criminals in the country (due to the increased number of country houses).

    counter strike source wallpaper. wallpaper PSP counter-strike
  • wallpaper PSP counter-strike

  • yg17
    Feb 22, 12:21 PM
    So basically you pay like this for your phone now:

    1. Minutes
    2. Data on broadband
    3. Power for microcell

    ATT should pay you for this.

    The calls still go through the AT&T network. How do you think a call gets from the Microcell to the person you're calling?


    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike Source Wallpaper. counter strike source; counter strike source. sisyphus. Jul 12, 12:35 AM. So this#39;ll mean one of 3 things.
  • Counter Strike Source Wallpaper. counter strike source; counter strike source. sisyphus. Jul 12, 12:35 AM. So this#39;ll mean one of 3 things.

  • Gator24765
    Apr 27, 11:55 AM
    Mpeg stream clip was exactly what i was looking for.

    What are your recommendations for exorting?

    I will be editing in Final Cut. I just want high quality video as the main importance but keeping the file sizes to a minimum.


    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike Source Wallpaper. counter strike source 2010; counter strike source 2010. Dagless. Apr 9, 05:10 AM. Say that about games like Final Fantasy
  • Counter Strike Source Wallpaper. counter strike source 2010; counter strike source 2010. Dagless. Apr 9, 05:10 AM. Say that about games like Final Fantasy

  • Deputy-Dawg
    Sep 27, 01:41 PM
    They Can Aways Resort To, Etc.
    Or they could revert to Hex and use



    counter strike source wallpaper. WALLPAPER - VOLLE GROESSE

  • brucem91
    May 14, 11:36 PM
    So I've been loosely paying attention to this... what are the CPU/video requirements? I remember 2+ years ago there was aforum member who was a Blizzard employee saying there was a teenie tiny chance they would support powerPC ( which I know they're not doing now... that was 2 years ago )
    But is it even possible to dream about playing this on say a Mac Mini with a Core 2 Duo ?What are the specs on your Mac Mini. My MacBook Pro is 2.8 GHz C2D, and it runs fine.

    Sep 20, 05:50 PM
    Originally posted by dricci
    P4s can't go Dual. It's sorta like the G3, it's just not designed to do that. It wouldn't work.
    That is what the Pentium 4 XEON is for. So yes, P4s can go dual, in the Xeon configuration.

    Edit: Hell, it can do 4-way or more. Quad G4 Macs? In your dreams...

    Apr 21, 01:15 PM
    iPhone 4S? That just sounds lame. Hopefully they'll come up with a snazzier name than that.

    Oct 17, 06:49 AM
    Apple, please, make it right:

    - Smartphone.
    - Built-in Mac OS X mobile.
    - Wireless

    That will make it the ultimate presentation tool with a huge halo effect on corporate, education and domestic markets:

    1. Make presentation on Mac or PC with Keynote or Powerpoint.

    2. Save the presentation to the iPhone.

    3. Use the iPhone as a wireless computerless presentation remote.

    Wow! More here with great pictures:

    I don't think any presentation features would be enought to cause any halo effect in the corporate market. Features that *could* cause a halo effect, on the other hand, are:

    - Using the iPhone as high-speed wireless modem, over Bluetooth (2.0 or even a new version), or Wi-Fi (maybe can enable "Internet Sharing" on phone)
    - Powerful email/messaging client to compete with Blackberry. They wouldn't really be competing with Blackberry, but they might strip away a few users that decide the email client is "good enough" and would like to have their iPod and phone in the same device...

    Apr 12, 07:42 PM
    Right now in NYC you can walk in the Apple store anytime and get the Verizon iPad. ATT models are extremely hard to find.

    So how is it that Verizon is preferred???... (I know why but I'll let you guess...:))

    This is not surprising. All the Chinese resellers who were buying iPads in NYC are unlikely to buy the Verizon CDMA, because it cannot be used abroad. The GSM version (i.e. the ATT version) is one that can be used in most places abroad, as long as the iPad is unlocked.

    Oct 6, 01:29 PM
    Two new models, a "high end" and a smaller "low end" model???

    Already exists. They are called the 8gb iPhone 3GS for $99, and the 32gb iPhone 4 for $299.

    Next year, there will be an iPhone 4 with 8gb for $99, and the iPhone 5 will take over the $199/$299 spots with new, fantastic features. :)

    How much cheaper does Apple need to make the phone to entice buyers? What can they do to make a more expensive phone for "high end" customers? Make it gold-plated, or possibly an iPhone with 24" spinner rims?

    I agree with everyone else here, Shaw Wu should stop being a fake analyst and get to work at his new, more appropriate job� asking me if I want fries with that.