Sunday, June 26, 2011

counter strike wallpaper

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  • dixie
    06-20 01:56 PM

    I wish people here are more sympathetic to those who are ignorant about
    the gravity of the current situation.

    this is the painful truth. Don't think about this too much....we are all coping with this. CIR seems to be dead...Will we get some other legislation to help us out? don't know, may happen...

    Unfortunately, a good many people who havent joined IV yet are also blissfully ignorant of the gravity of the situation. They think its a temporary traffic jam, while in reality our path to a GC has been blocked by a landslide.The backlogs will keep on growing till the authorities (lawmakers in our case) clear the road .. or the affected traffic takes an alternative route.

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  • indyanguy
    10-21 06:40 PM
    This is interesting. Is there a limit to how much can be written off as pre tax expenses? What is the main criteria for these expenses - does the employee need to work/live 50 miles away from home?

    counter strike wallpaper. COUNTER STRIKE WALLPAPERS-EBIA

  • go_guy123
    01-15 11:51 PM
    Unless the country cap is removed from EB immigration - things will not change for folks from India.

    Have you noticed that when it comes to giving amnesty, there is always a special clause that exempts illegals from country caps? Ever wonder why?

    because most of the illegals are from a few handful countries mainly mexico

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  • Video Game - Counter Strike

  • dazed
    07-30 07:35 PM
    Is it possible to get your EAD, if I-140 is still pending. :confused:


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  • Counter strike terrorist

  • eager_immi
    07-22 12:44 PM
    I have read this document as well before. That is one of my reason I wanted an explaination where interim EAD was terminated. Thanks


    This is what is mentioned on the I-765 form.

    Check page number 9. It speaks about Interim EAD, and this document expires on 08/31/08. If they have stopped issuing Interim EADs how come it says the opposite on this document. Just wondering:confused:

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  • ESL Counter Strike wallpaper

  • saint_2010
    08-13 11:26 AM
    looks like they will make us wait till 17th and accept/reject case from July 2nd...and most of the rejected cases might not be eligible to refile :mad:...this is my guess!


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  • Counter Strike Arms Ammunition

  • friend_in_NC
    02-13 04:02 PM
    When you submit your passport for renewal, they usually give you a receipt with pickup date. This date is anywhere between 2 weeks to 6 weeks.

    If you want you can request them to mail your new passport by paying extra $15 for mailing.

    If you are going to pickup the passport by person, then you should be there between 4PM-5:15PM. Thats the delivery time.

    In DC office you can not pickup anything before 2PM. Remember this

    Thanks a lot for the information. Since I had sent my renewal application via courier, I never got any pick up slip. I have paid $15 for mailing service. What I am worried is that even if I drive 5 hours to pick up, if they haven't processed my application (its close to 4 weeks now since I have applied), I will run out of options. On the website they claim that they will process in 5 business days. I must have tried close to 5 different phone numbers multiples times for past week or so. I have also emailed and faxed my query multiple times. Same result - No response at all. I just don't get how work is done at the embassy.

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  • Libra
    08-03 10:17 AM
    Guys, please consider contributing for sept rally............


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  • PIctures of Counter-Strike

  • rinkurazdan
    05-30 04:45 PM
    I haven't come here for a while and don't know what's happening here. Several weeks ago, we said we would be happy if congresses pass CIR. How come we don't want CIR to be passed now?
    Please read the IV Core groups analysis on the CIR bill...which is totally different than the CIR thhat was passed by the previous Senate in 2006

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  • Video Game - Counter Strike

  • saint_2010
    08-10 12:08 PM
    Our checks didn't get cashed , neither we Got Receipt Notice .

    The CSR told that we tracked that this is your 2nd call in 10 days - Is the reason of this call same or different. If the reason is same - Pl dont make a 3rd call before 60 days from July 2nd :eek:

    Doesn't it gives the real status - what more we want ??


    Man this is classic! wonder why senior members and mods suggest not to call USCIS...:D....please no pun for the weekend...!


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  • ajay
    03-02 10:15 AM
    There is no doubt that the article is well written. But looking at the comments what I feel is nobody is happy about us being here or there!!!
    It is completely a difficult situation we are in if we are into any trouble.

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  • Tags: counter strike wallpaper

  • krishmunn
    02-03 12:01 PM
    If you have maintained all your communications with the old attorney, file a Legal Malpractice lawsuit against him. You can check yellow pages and contact a malpractice lawyer. Usually such cases are on contingency basis.
    It will not save your 485 but you can recover significant amount of money as compensation from that attorney.

    For your 485, check with your attorney if an appeal can be filed. I feel you have a strong ground since it was CIS fault.


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  • reddyram
    07-18 11:08 AM
    Hi Folks
    My EB2 will be current next month per VB. I just moved to a new place and did an online address change. I changed my address in Master DB as well as pending petitions.My questions in regard to this are :
    <> I created an online USCIS ID and noticed there was a soft-update on my petition - meaning the update date itself changed but the status of petition is the same. "Under review". Just wanted to confirm if my address change online , caused the soft-update or USCIS opened my application ?
    <> Last time , I changed my address online it immediately give me EMail alerts as well as a plain auto generated hard copy letter in zerox, from them informing me of the same. This time there are no alerts , nothing. How do I know what address USCIS have on file for me.
    My online profile won't show current address - just an application online to change the same.
    Any insights will help

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  • samcam
    05-18 05:03 PM
    Welcome to our news member Selvaela..


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  • ys2jax
    07-14 09:38 AM
    i thought india EB quota had a hard constraint of 7% but 17000 seems to be much higher than that out of the total 140K, can somebody explain

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  • Sooner2
    03-13 11:44 AM
    I am from MA and was able to remit using their service earlier, but it has been temporarily disabled for now.


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  • bombaysardar
    07-17 10:22 PM
    If you look at the rules closely on the website, pregnant women are exempted from taking shots. The medical tests should not be a problem.

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  • Counter-Strike soldier

  • snathan
    03-28 12:21 PM
    In 2005 I was working at california and my employer was at NJ. I did my tax filing with a all state agent abd he filed taxes for just NJ and federal.
    Yesterday I got a notice from California that I have filed taxes using california address and didnot files state taxes for CA.
    and I need to proof that I filed the taxes that year or file the taxes.

    I went to HR block and prepared taxes for 2005 and mailed to them.

    Same thing was there when I filed for 2006 taxes, my consultant didnt filed the taxes for CA.
    So I prepared taxes for 2006 also and mailed to them. Both I mailed as a physical mail.

    Did any one had similar experiance or any issues?

    If you worked in CA you need to file the same state. You dont have to file the tax for the state where your employer resides.

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  • jlt007us
    09-14 12:08 PM
    I came to US on H1B in 2000. I have an engineering degree (10+2+4) from a premier institute in India in Information Systems. Before coming to US I worked for an MNC for 4+ years. I am with the current employer since 2003. Following are my case details.

    Case 1:
    EB2 Labor filed: April 2005
    Labor Approved: December 2005
    I-140 Filed: January 2006
    RFE for Ability 2 pay and RFE replied.
    I-140 Denied: August 2007
    Never recieved the denial notice as per the lawyer

    Case 2:
    EB2 Labor filed: August 2005
    Labor Approved: January 2006
    I-140 Filed: August 2007 (I checked the status online and informed the lawyer who immediately filed for this I-140 basing on the approved labor)
    I-485 Filed: August 2007
    RFE for W2/wages company tax information etc that were replied on time.
    I-140 Denied Sep 2009

    EAD valid till October: 2010
    AP Valid till Feb 2010

    H1 B 8th year extension filed: July 2008 (There was a mistake during the filing as the reference was made to denied I-140 instead of the pending one)
    Extension Denied based on Case 1 I-140: October 2008
    I-290B Appeal to commissioner filed and pending as of date

    Case 3:
    Pending EB2 labor since October 2008.

    I am paid more than the prevailing wages. Now the question is:
    1. Should I file for MTR/Appeal (we still haven't recieved the denial notice).
    2. I believe it is just a matter of time before I-485 status changes to denied. Will the EAD/AP become invalid as well?
    3. If MTR/Appeal is filed for I-140, can I still continue working?

    Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated.

    07-01 03:09 PM
    I am also ready to join in the lawsuit.
    I didn't presser my parents about the bc and i took INS doctors appointment next week, thinking that dates are current for complete month why rush? so I can't file by tomorrow
    You did the right thing. Nothing is going to retrogress atleast till the 15th of the month(this is when the Visa bulletin usually comes out).

    ************************************************** *******
    I am not a lawyer, do not act one on TV and never stayed at a Holiday Inn.

    10-05 01:13 PM
    IV makes a public announcement of its advisory board today. These advisors have been associated with Immigrationvoice for quite some time and we have decided to make the names public after they gave us permission to make their information public. Some more names will be announced in the near future if others associated with IV agree. These are top leaders in administration, industry, research and advocacy. We have been happy and fortunate to have them with Immigration Voice. We thank all IV members for supporting IV due to which we could make IV a nationally respected organization and a voice of legal high-skilled community. Its time for us now to work together and achieve our goals.

    Please watch the homepage for information about these leaders.

    The bios of the board members are here