Wednesday, June 1, 2011

no lies just love tattoo

no lies just love tattoo. artpixie: No lies, just love
  • artpixie: No lies, just love

  • DeSnousa
    Aug 25, 12:59 AM
    Cool i was wondering also, thanks for putting the effort into making it and im looking forward to it too :)

    no lies just love tattoo. Sometimes I think she lies
  • Sometimes I think she lies

  • mrblah
    Aug 14, 08:43 PM
    The only people who like these ads are mac users. They make the zealots feel special and supperior which might have been the whole point. As said before, you never get customers by making fun of them. These ads only alienate POTENTIAL customers, thats not a success and its not brilliant. So far apple users are the only ones defending these ads as representing products rather than the people who use the products. If everyone else doesnt see it the same way then the ad is a failure no matter how much people argue, once the target audience misses the point then youve lost. Youll get absolutely nowhere asking "are these ads elistist?" on a mac forum, go ask it on a forum with a high number of PC users and Im sure the responses will be 100% different. Computers arent cheap, if you make fun of someone who spent a lot of money on something, something they probably like a lot, youll just make them defend themselves if you act like they made a stupid decision. I mean jeez, how is that not common sense?

    While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.

    The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."

    no lies just love tattoo. My brand spanking new tattoo.
  • My brand spanking new tattoo.

  • thisisarcadia
    Dec 2, 04:34 PM
    just tried to go to the website and it is no longer online

    no lies just love tattoo. “no lies just love” this one
  • “no lies just love” this one

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 04:53 AM
    I wouldn't trade some aspects of OS X, like the Unix-ish core

    Unix-ish ? OS X is Unix.


    no lies just love tattoo. Just when you thought the Weng
  • Just when you thought the Weng

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 5, 12:52 AM
    if BB won't let me buy one on launch day then I will probably be in line at the Knox St store

    no lies just love tattoo. No lies, Just love.
  • No lies, Just love.

  • sevnson71
    Aug 21, 08:24 AM
    I added an addendum for the technologically impaired to the lifehacker article posted a few times on how to shut it down on the iPhone, which evidently you have to do separately if you use the app. Posted on my business' Facebook page, oh the irony! It's fairly simple to disable and render ineffective(though sadly not "shut off" per se).!/pages/Danville-NH/Quik-Tech-Home-IT-Specialists/136923399667841?ref=ts&__a=13&ajaxpipe=1


    no lies just love tattoo. Worst Tattoo Ever
  • Worst Tattoo Ever

  • MattInOz
    Apr 21, 12:37 AM
    I'm still a firm believer tablet computers need to come with the following to be considered "standard":
    1) Soliataire
    2) Minesweaper
    3) Disk Defrag
    4) A CD Burner

    Other than that I do think Woz's comments were right on the money.

    Sounds just like a modbook.

    Doesn't Woz owner a good share of the Modbook company?

    no lies just love tattoo. But not bullets.
  • But not bullets.

  • kbmb
    Mar 26, 03:07 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D



    no lies just love tattoo. lower stomach tattoo.
  • lower stomach tattoo.

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 09:26 AM
    What do you get for $1,599.00? Free iPad 2, what?

    Along with seeing the keynote you get to socialise with devs from all over the world and chat with 1000 apple engineers about any problems you may have and attend seminars on various topics.

    no lies just love tattoo. Here#39;s another tattoo by Dusty
  • Here#39;s another tattoo by Dusty

  • Prom1
    Mar 15, 01:16 AM

    Many thanks for the juicy pics and all your efforts. Unfortunately tonight I'll sing a sad sad sad sad song learning what you've posted. I'm seriously almost afraid to learn Snow Leopard Server and will need to re-evaluate if that $21xx course & certification exam will be worth it - considering I live in Canada - I don't know of any major corporations running an all OS X business model & infrastructure.

    Wait: I had another thought.

    Back in the days of AIX didn't Apple ship such a server (Workgroup Server running this)? When it was cancelled like the XServe now ... did Apple eventually kill off the server specific software/OS (either or both) shortly after or has there ALWAYS been a server software?


    no lies just love tattoo. It#39;s Not Just Gossip
  • It#39;s Not Just Gossip

  • puckhead193
    Sep 14, 08:00 PM
    when i had my surgery when i was i think 7 i remember throwing up a a lot and i couldn't hold down Tylenol

    no lies just love tattoo. It#39;s not so easy:
  • It#39;s not so easy:

  • HexMonkey
    Jun 1, 05:01 AM
    Has anyone any objections with the beta category idea? I'd quite like to see what they are like...

    It would significantly increase the amount of work. There are currently 671 articles in at least one category. Every single one of these would have to be edited to be put in a beta category, and then again to be put in their final category.

    If we don't take this approach, only some of these 671 articles will need to be edited, as not all categories will be renamed. This would require only a few hundred edits instead of over 1300. I don't know about you, but I have better things to do than making 1000 extra edits to trial a new structure. ;)


    no lies just love tattoo. Imelda May – Love Tatto
  • Imelda May – Love Tatto

  • JodyK
    Jun 15, 10:07 PM
    I have been saying for years this is going to happen and I can't be more excited!

    no lies just love tattoo. First tattoo, quot;No lies, Just
  • First tattoo, quot;No lies, Just

  • JCanfield
    May 2, 03:30 PM
    They could also be having problems with fit because a white iPhone is taller or wider than the black one. Has anyone measured the other dimensions?


    no lies just love tattoo. tattooist for not being
  • tattooist for not being

  • greenbobb
    Apr 30, 10:25 AM
    iOS evolution from 1 to 4 is somewhat disappointing. It has become somewhat stale, especially for the iPad. Hopefully iOS 5 is a big leap forward.

    Yeah, it seems like they only make enough improvements to stay in the game, and aren't super interested in really mind-blowing advances. It's the little things that count for sure, but for all the hype you'd think we'd get something mind-boggling every once in a while.

    no lies just love tattoo. Why I#39;ll never get tattoos on
  • Why I#39;ll never get tattoos on

  • Squonk
    Nov 14, 11:50 AM
    OK, now that we'll have iPod integration on flights from major airlines... And there's talk of broadband access in-flight at some point in the near future. Hmmm... I can see it now. Steve's plan is to have the iPod integration in place so that the next time I'm on a 14 hour flight, I have nothing to do but play with my iPod and shop the iTunes store. ...World domination, one small step at a time.

    Buying a movie or music while in-flight would be very cool!


    no lies just love tattoo. #tattoo #no lies just love
  • #tattoo #no lies just love

  • BladeJB343
    Apr 20, 06:32 PM
    Multifl0w is one of my favorite, if not my no.1 jailbreak app.

    Here's hoping that the next iOS has Expose built in.

    no lies just love tattoo. a friend#39;s tattoo (not the
  • a friend#39;s tattoo (not the

  • gnasher729
    Mar 25, 09:01 AM
    i bet they had people there with MBA's from good schools running financial what if's and telling management to avoid digital because they will make less money due to not selling the film or anything other than the camera

    Don't know who said it, but "if you don't cannibalise your products, someone else will". Which is exactly what happened to Kodak.

    Greedy or not, if Apple and RIM are part of some patent infringement they have to pay up.

    First, there is an "if" in that statement. Second, they wouldn't have to pay what Kodak demands, but actual damages. Third, Kodak has a market caps of $944 million, so if Apple and/or RIM thought there was any danger they have to pay $1bn, they would buy the company. Apparently they don't.

    no lies just love tattoo. are quot;no lies, just lovequot;
  • are quot;no lies, just lovequot;

  • BC2009
    May 2, 01:17 PM
    I think that no other company has their products come under more scrutiny than Apple. It is amazing. When folks say how the media just falls over Apple and praises them constantly -- it cracks me up. The media is just itching for bad news on Apple, and they are looking in every possible place to find it.

    What shocks me is the level of forgiveness that competing tablets against the iPad are getting. Apple is so dominating the tablet-computing sector right now, that the media is just hoping for a contender. Motorola and RIM have both released "Beta Hardware (" to the public and many reviewers are being soft on RIM with even more being soft on Motorola. If Apple released such a product they would get blasted in the media with nobody offering forgiveness.

    Case and point... Mossberg on the iPad 2:

    "Also, the battery life, while very good, isn�t as strong as I found it to be on the first iPad. In my tough battery test, where I played full-length movies until the battery died, with the screen brightness at about 75% and both Wi-Fi and cellular radios running, the iPad 2 just barely exceeded Apple�s claimed battery life, dying after 10 hours and nine minutes."

    Keep in mind that Apple advertises 10 hours and Mossberg got better than that with the brightness setting 25% higher than Apple's default setting. Yet he had to reach to find something to complain about (e.g.: his iPad 1 test unit just happened to have extraordinary battery life -- keep in mind that most reviewers of iPad 2 got better battery life than iPad 1).

    Gruber criticizes Mossberg even more in a post called "Bending Over Backwards" ( Some of Gruber's points are arguable, but I think he is dead-on in many regards, especially his final quote:

    "Stating the plain truth, that the iPad 2 has no serious competition as a mainstream consumer device, doesn�t make you biased. It makes you accurate."

    Apple, however, does not get to enjoy the luxury of forgiveness that the media affords to those who are not the market leader. The fact that folks are trying to quantify a thickness difference of 0.2 mm on some units, completely amazes me. I'm sure its within manufacturing specifications and I'm sure that not every single Black iPhone 4 is the same thickness, and yet it is news.

    May 2, 03:49 PM
    Why not just set Chrome's tab settings to open all links in a new tab? Or get an add-on if that setting isn't in Chrome by default?

    Jul 24, 01:17 PM
    Did you notice the new smaller power brick actually has a fan now? That's what's making most of the sound :/
    Old one did as well. My current Elite is pretty quiet, and when sitting on the dashboard, not playing a game, if it is real quiet in my house, you can hear the PSU more than the Xbox.

    Mar 26, 03:36 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D


    1: I believe so.
    2: Jobs, probably.

    Mar 24, 04:12 PM
    Holding out until inevitable $0.99 sale...



    That'll be around when the iPad6's come out!

    Flying Llama
    May 28, 11:41 AM
    thx mate. Positive words are always nice to hear/read!

    Your welcome!

    Actually you can already. I just put some 'MacRumors' text on the back to maybe steal some folders from other teams when i release the beta to the whole wide world ;).

    Ahh smart indeed! ;)