Thursday, June 2, 2011

william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14

william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. charlie hunnam jax.
  • charlie hunnam jax.

  • CalBoy
    Apr 23, 01:08 AM
    Trump has a great mind when it comes to Business, so he really should leave it at that.

    It's even doubtful that Trump has a "great" business mind. He essentially stepped into his father's already immense real estate business, and has a lot of outstanding liabilities, not to mention many businesses that have filed for bankruptcy.

    The only skill Trump really has is to sell himself to anyone gullible enough to listen.

    As for the OP's question, Trump is not a viable candidate, and the GOP is aware of this. If Trump does somehow win the nomination (which I doubt), it would make Obama's reelection campaign a breeze. Candidates like Trump and Palin are too cartoonish to be taken seriously by the 1/3 of American voters that are not registered with a party.

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. anime lovers wallpaper. Lover#39;s Requiem Mobile Suit; Lover#39;s Requiem Mobile Suit. vladtheimpaler. Apr 28, 08:19 AM
  • anime lovers wallpaper. Lover#39;s Requiem Mobile Suit; Lover#39;s Requiem Mobile Suit. vladtheimpaler. Apr 28, 08:19 AM

  • iGary
    Sep 13, 08:55 AM
    My wife's an RN and has both been in a number of anesthetized surgeries and has had some herself.

    Most patients do just fine - as described above. Redheads are a bit more sensitive to anesthesia (not sure why, but apparently it's true), but that isn't an issue unless your anesthesiologist is color-blind. ;)

    Some people - including my wife - are prone to a bit of nausea afterwards, but it's usually short-lived and it isn't an issue with most people. One thing that helps is to pay strict attention to the fasting/drinking instructions they'll give you beforehand. That cookie might seem like nothing when you're hungry before you go in, but you'll regret it upon waking up.

    Also, depending on the anesthesia and your particular reaction to it, you'll almost undoubtedly have some period - a few seconds to an hour or so - of time where you are lucid but don't have functional short-term memory... meaning you might say naughty things to your neurosurgeon but then will have no idea why he's looking at you like that later on.... ;)

    I have plenty of dirty things in my mind, nd it doesn't help that my neurosurgeon is hot. I'm effed. :rolleyes:

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. heidi montag plastic surgery
  • heidi montag plastic surgery

  • MacNut
    Apr 3, 12:01 PM
    If states went into deficits because people didn't have enough money to pay their taxes how will raising taxes solve this problem?

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. norcal star tattoo. nautical star tattoos designs; nautical star tattoos designs. cberic3. Aug 25, 06:20 PM. I wrote this quick little hint about how to
  • norcal star tattoo. nautical star tattoos designs; nautical star tattoos designs. cberic3. Aug 25, 06:20 PM. I wrote this quick little hint about how to

  • SteveSparks
    Mar 23, 06:55 PM
    They're going to realize that the existing machines they have- or Windows machines that can be had for much cheaper- are quite capable of handling any non-classified activity without switching to new hardware.

    The Government, I mean serious government, with big purchasing power gets great deals on Mac's better than you think and competitive to the high end systems you might get from Dell etc


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. times tables worksheets. math times tables worksheets. math times tables worksheets. gauchogolfer. Sep 14, 09:55 AM
  • times tables worksheets. math times tables worksheets. math times tables worksheets. gauchogolfer. Sep 14, 09:55 AM

  • Shaun, UK
    Oct 6, 11:30 AM
    A 4" iPhone would probably replace the 3.5" model so all the current apps would run on it no problem. It might require some tweaking for some apps but the upside is you get to update your app and sell it again.

    If they build an iPhone with the same size screen as the iPod Nano then they could invite developers to develop mini-apps for that size screen to be used on the iPod Nano and iPhone Nano, creating a new AppStore category. Would be a huge market and very attractive to developers of news/info related apps.

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. kwon sang woo. Korean Actor Kwon Sang Woo; Korean Actor Kwon Sang Woo. Whistleway. Aug 8, 08:05 AM
  • kwon sang woo. Korean Actor Kwon Sang Woo; Korean Actor Kwon Sang Woo. Whistleway. Aug 8, 08:05 AM

  • JeffTL
    Sep 14, 10:06 PM
    I haven't ever been under general anesthesia per se, but for having my wisdom teeth out about 3 weeks ago I was sedated by IV injection with Diprivan (basically the same thing as a general anesthesia from my perspective -- I was out). An hour beforehand I had taken Ativan as a tranquilizer and during the operation I was given three shots, one of which was Demerol (pain killer) and I think one of the others was Valium. I didn't really perceive anything much that I remember until a while after the surgery -- though third-party accounts indicate that halfway home from the oral surgeon I was able to finally determine that I was in a car on Dodge Street -- but the amnesia effect of the Diprivan was pretty strong (there may have been Versed, I don't know). I do however very vaguely -- almost like a distant dream -- remember waking up after the surgery and telling the nurse I wasn't ready to leave recovery yet.

    Basically it's like nothing at all -- my tranquilized self got into a dental chair, the doctor stuck a butterfly-type IV in my right elbow, and hooked up a syringe of white liquid. I asked what was in the IV, the nurse said it was Diprivan, and I felt myself fade out.

    Obviously back surgery under general anesthesia will be different from oral surgery under conscious sedation, but I've shared my experience FWIW.


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. erasers maximum ride. to direct “Maximum Ride”,; to direct “Maximum Ride”,. Matthew M. Nov 2, 06:46 PM. For November:
  • erasers maximum ride. to direct “Maximum Ride”,; to direct “Maximum Ride”,. Matthew M. Nov 2, 06:46 PM. For November:

  • Mark Booth
    Apr 1, 09:53 AM
    Just buy a Slingbox and watch any channel you want, anywhere you want.

    Ditto! Slingbox rocks! And it's even more fun when you have a friend or two in other states that allow you to use their Slingbox to watch events that are blacked out in your own area. :)


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. short haircuts 2011 for men.
  • short haircuts 2011 for men.

  • TheSlush
    Feb 18, 01:28 PM
    Can't help thinking that if Eric Schmidt and Steve Jobs could split the difference on their weight, they'd both be better off. :D

    This is getting silly, maybe he was at the cancer center for a checkup and that's it

    Yes, this is perfectly possible.


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. kate middleton latest photos. Kate Middleton photo, picture,; Kate Middleton photo, picture,. jmann. Sep 17, 10:31 PM. Passkey?
  • kate middleton latest photos. Kate Middleton photo, picture,; Kate Middleton photo, picture,. jmann. Sep 17, 10:31 PM. Passkey?

  • dsnort
    Aug 31, 07:40 PM
    I strongly disagree that these ads are elitist, or even snobbery. The point of the ads is that mac is different. HP can use demonstrations to show how, in a perfect world, their computers can do good stuff with windows. Apple has a different need. Apple does not build commodity computers. Apple is an ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM must differentiate itself compared to everything else out there. The need is to show that there IS a difference, and that Apple represents a very different way of working with computers.

    As a recent switcher I can tell you the ads were very effective at delineating my concerns with Windows, and showing me that Mac might be the answer. ( Which, by the way, it was!)

    EDIT: Nuts, I got censored

    EDIT 2: Check that, they removed the post I responded too. It's a shame, I cleaned his clock! LOL

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. kwon sang woo. kwon Sang-woo its true! kwon Sang-woo its true! DOUGHNUT. Aug 7, 06:19 PM. just use Parallels or VMWare
  • kwon sang woo. kwon Sang-woo its true! kwon Sang-woo its true! DOUGHNUT. Aug 7, 06:19 PM. just use Parallels or VMWare

  • fotografica
    Nov 5, 06:41 AM
    It may out eye candy OS-X,but it's still Windows. If you put a dress on a pig,it's still a pig ;)..Not to mention the fact that a large % of PC's out there aren't even capable of running it.So if somebody has a choice to make of either getting a new PC to run Vista,or switch to OS-X??Things could get interesting this coming year...


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. toscani calendario 2011. El fotógrafo Oliviero Toscani; El fotógrafo Oliviero Toscani. Eddyisgreat. Jun 15, 02:45 AM
  • toscani calendario 2011. El fotógrafo Oliviero Toscani; El fotógrafo Oliviero Toscani. Eddyisgreat. Jun 15, 02:45 AM

  • 840quadra
    Sep 25, 11:16 PM
    I am actually afraid of this for Apple!

    This is just going to give bad press, and get people to start to compare Apple to the RIAA with regards to lawsuits.

    I understand Apple wanting to protect it's name, however they promoted podcasting , and do within many of their products, so trademarking it is just going to crush the little guys that recently started to support and like Apple.

    I think this is a bad move, and worries me!

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. avon princess diana ring. avon
  • avon princess diana ring. avon

  • yg17
    Apr 9, 08:19 PM
    Bah. F this. First time I've had to pay 50 bucks to fill up my tank.


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. cheryl cole wallpapers. Download Cheryl Cole Wallpaper; Download Cheryl Cole Wallpaper. jonofthedead. Apr 13, 09:41 PM
  • cheryl cole wallpapers. Download Cheryl Cole Wallpaper; Download Cheryl Cole Wallpaper. jonofthedead. Apr 13, 09:41 PM

  • iGary
    Sep 13, 08:59 AM
    Well, if what you say to him works, you might actually be "effed", but sadly you won't remember it. Then you'll really wonder about the looks he gives you. :D

    LOL! :D

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. cheryl cole wallpapers. Cheryl Cole; Cheryl Cole. Jan 24, 03:52 PM. I think that within a year or two even consumers will be demanding more
  • cheryl cole wallpapers. Cheryl Cole; Cheryl Cole. Jan 24, 03:52 PM. I think that within a year or two even consumers will be demanding more

  • springscansing
    May 6, 01:20 AM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I was drawn to this forum because I am interested in computers generally and macs almost qualify.....but seriously I poked around on a mac for about an hour today, and found that some things are less intuitive (minimizing and closing windows). Also I found that some things easily accessible in windows are not accessible at all in mac OSX. I felt like the computer was "dumbed down" for me. All in all it was a computer and pefectly capable internet machine, but at least in an hour nothing even came close to winning me ove. Oh yeah it also crashed once too.

    Closing is very intuitive. You click the red close button. What's so hard about that? Same for minimize.. click the minimize button. If you honestly are having trouble with that, you're an idiot.

    Dumbed down? You have command-line access via the Terminal. It's ****ing UNIX man. That's a lot more access than Windows gives you.

    As for it crashing, you didn't say at all what version of X you were running or anything.

    Macs "almost" qualify as computers? Yeah, okay.


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. dwight howard lakers jersey.
  • dwight howard lakers jersey.

  • mim
    May 6, 01:16 AM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I was drawn to this forum because I am interested in computers generally and macs almost qualify.....but seriously I poked around on a mac for about an hour today, and found that some things are less intuitive (minimizing and closing windows). Also I found that some things easily accessible in windows are not accessible at all in mac OSX. I felt like the computer was "dumbed down" for me. All in all it was a computer and pefectly capable internet machine, but at least in an hour nothing even came close to winning me ove. Oh yeah it also crashed once too.

    I think you'll find that using Windows has become a habit - that's why you find it more intuitive. I know from experience that new computer users vastly prefer the mac environment. I used to tutor a couple of classes for CAD where many people hadn't used a computer before. We had both mac and windows machines. Some people prefered the windows machines - because that is what they were used to. I can't remember I new computer user who gravitated towards a pc, rather than a mac. Not only is the interface quite clear, but you're right - it seems dumbed down. Exactly what they wanted.

    Now OSX is hardly a dumbed down system. It seems simple if you leave it alone. But you can call up a full unix shell very easily, and control many many things through the comand line interface. You also have Applescript - which is similar to Rexx in old unix environments - it allows you to script functions in the system and most programs very very easily. Very powerful. Nothing like it right out of the box in windows. And for true powerusers the c-prompt in windows is so un-itergrated with the main system that it's a real pain to use.

    I can think of various things in Windows that are easily available - but shouldn't be. Like virtual memory setting, video settings, virtual devices, etc. I - now using computers for 20 years - have made the mistake of deleting the scsi device drivers in Windows. I mean, all my drive were IDE! Right? Wrong. The Scsi drivers were required to run the ATAPI layers which allow various software to read from the CD-drive! This kind of cr$p doesn't happen in osX. Everything that needs to be hidden away is. You can get to it, but you should never ever need to.

    OSX is more stable. Not by much anymore, but enough that any serious sys admin would run a server using it rather than windows. That says a lot. OSX is more sophisticated in a number of important ways - you should read about Quartz Extreme (the graphics system). It uses some impressive technology (basically old - yes - similar to unix systems, but far more advanced than anything Windows has to offer).

    It has saved my job on more than one occasion - things >work< in osX, even when they're on the edge of the capability of the machine...I've had jobs where the same process just crashed faster windows machines (this was mostly when dealing with large graphic files...).

    Despite all this - the reason I love macs is the design. Where can you find cases like them in the pc world?! Not just good looks either - you should play with a power mac can open the entire case to expose the motherboard fully without turning the damn thing off! I would have killed to find a PC case like that when I was repairing computers.

    And don't forget the iApps either. Beautiful designed hardware, beautiful designed software. There is no equal to iTunes or iPhoto on windows. There is not. I have paid money for and been through literally hundereds of programs. Nothing can compare.

    dickrichie is right - we are proud to use beautiful, efficient tools. That's what the mac is.

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. Points deducted for the use of Comic Sans. ;) Edit: I tell a lie, it#39;s not Comic Sans, but close enough. :D kate middleton latest photos. kate middleton
  • Points deducted for the use of Comic Sans. ;) Edit: I tell a lie, it#39;s not Comic Sans, but close enough. :D kate middleton latest photos. kate middleton

  • jeffreyropp
    Oct 6, 11:56 AM
    I don't find 3.5" too big.

    That's what she said.


    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. kate middleton latest photos. kate middleton kate middleton; kate middleton kate middleton. ConnorTurnbull. Jan 27, 04:28 PM
  • kate middleton latest photos. kate middleton kate middleton; kate middleton kate middleton. ConnorTurnbull. Jan 27, 04:28 PM

  • Nym
    Nov 14, 02:02 PM
    He's 11 posts shy of the requirement.
    LOL, maybe i'll post 11 posts straight just to get in there!
    Just kidding :) (almost there)

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. rosetta stone software.
  • rosetta stone software.

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 26, 09:40 PM
    Read kainjow's post (; you get more than just an email address for $99.
    I have .Mac, and I know that, but if you just want Mail you still pay the full wack!!

    william levy y elizabeth gutierrez_14. ashton kutcher nose. MULTIPLE CHOICE ON 42; MULTIPLE CHOICE ON 42. Revlefty. Nov 22, 05:54 PM. Mine;
  • ashton kutcher nose. MULTIPLE CHOICE ON 42; MULTIPLE CHOICE ON 42. Revlefty. Nov 22, 05:54 PM. Mine;

  • Compile 'em all
    Jan 6, 03:34 PM
    Push Notifications are when your phone automatically checks for updates, alerts etc. without you having to open the app right? I guess it's just misleading to me because when I hear "push" notifications, I think of something that happens when I push the app or open it up.

    Thanks for the fast response!

    What you are explaining is pull, not push.

    In push, the phone keeps one connection alive to Apple. When Apple receives data for your phone, it will push it to your phone through this connection. The phone doesn't "check" anything.

    Mar 25, 09:47 AM
    Only thing worse than patent lawyers are people dissing the area, given that they know neither a) the law, nor b) the specific patent being dicussed.

    Talk about being aggresively ignorant...

    Mar 24, 06:58 PM
    Funny thing, my wife and I were discussing first gen iPad earlier this morning. I told her how Apple had the 16gb refurbished for $349 but that they were sold out. Fast forward four hours or so and I see this story on MacRumors. We both agreed we should jump on this deal. I immediately began calling a few stores in the LA area. Lucky for me, the rep says he has a couple 16gb models remaining. I tell the rep I'll be there within the hour and I hop in the car and drive the 20 miles to the store. Imagine how I felt when he tells me they're all out and that they put 32gb models where 16gb should be. I was livid, but I held my composure and called another store about 10 miles away. I told them my story and insisted they hold it with my name.

    When the rep at the second store came out with the box, the first thing he tells me is, "You want a 64gb, right?" I could feel my pulse rising. And then he said, "Just kidding." All I could do was smile, because he got me good and because I just saved 40% off an iPad and didn't even have to use GEICO.

    Apr 6, 09:48 PM
    He's so right. I can't imagine how much of the older generation uses the Internet now because of the iPad.

    Laird Knox
    Mar 5, 04:11 PM
    I know I must be overtired ... I actually reached out and touched my screen to see if this was really 3-dimensional!

    That made me chuckle, I've done that before myself. :)

    Love it! My only qualm is how dark it is. If it had some more "pop" and was brightened up a bit I would be even more in love! Did you have lights inside that place?

    Thanks! I find monitor gama really makes or breaks this one. Small changes in the can really darken it up quickly. I have printed it out at 20x30 and it really worked well in my opinion. I'm just finishing up some web site programing before I can get back into my photography. Once I do I plan on revisiting this one. I want to try printing it on both regular paper and metallic.

    As for the lighthing I'm lucky I didn't break my neck that night. It was extreamly dark - no Moon and the cottages are wedged between some steep hills. I set the camera up on a tripod and took a couple of test shots for the framing. I just looked at the original images and there are only a couple of blurry images and one only lit from inside before this shot. I was using an old manual lens and must not have focused for the first couple but they were so dark it was hard to see on the LCD. (Still better than waiting for the film to develop.)

    Once I had the angle I thought I wanted -- it was still hard to tell on the preview -- I set the camera for remote trigger with a three second delay. I triggered the cammera and when the shutter opened up I held a deep blue Rosco gel over a five watt LED flashlight and swept it across the front of the building a few times.

    I then turned off the flashlight and dashed over the uneven ground into the room on the left. There I switched to a red gel and waved the light around the room for a couple of seconds. Then in the dark I ran around to the door and the room on the right. Here I again waved the flashlight around trying to give it an uneven wash. Then I stuck my head out the door and triggered the camera. The whole exposure was about 67 seconds.

    In this shot you can see how uneven the ground was. ;)

    In this and another shot from that night I used way too much light. I like the uneven texture of the red and blue image. The other two are just too flat. I do like the texture of the bricks in this one but overall I ruined the shot in my opinion. In the one above you can also see that I didn't have the flashlight fully covered. There is a bit of white light spilling in the foreground.

    If I were to do it again I would try putting a strobe in each room. I would need to find something to breakup the flash to get the uneven wash -- maybe some bottle partially filled with water. Then I could use the flashlight for the front lighting and maybe another strobe or two set very low for some side fill.

    Overall it was a fun exercise. I had wanted to do some light painting for a long time and I got really lucky for a first try at it.

    Mar 10, 09:13 AM
    D&^$ it all anyway JD! I was gonna do an apples and oranges for this one. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

    Me too! :)

    Macbook Pro keyboard! (

    I like this one! I tried that a while back but it wasn't as successful as yours. Maybe the keyboard would be better positioned not quite so close to the left hand edge imo. Well done though!

    Same issue of lack of sun over here, too. I like the feel of this posed shot. I think it would be a bit stronger if the watch face were more visible. It's kind of hard to tell if the time is the same. Shooting this with something like a pocket watch on the sundial would be interesting, too. Similar shape but different "mechanisms".


    I like the idea a lot. Great interpretation. I agree with Dale that an older style watch might make it an even stronger shot. Something a bit more classic with mechanical movement...though I do appreciate the contrast between the sundail and digital. I also wonder how a rectangular crop would look that brought us in closer to the sundail and the watch.

    Apologies for not coming back earlier, and thank you for your suggestions and comments. I agree a pocket watch would look good. Less contrast but nicer photo. However, it's a moot point as I'm fresh out of pocket watches at the moment! :) I've been waiting for some sun and me being here to reshoot it. Had to do it from the other side as it was 2 pm before the opportunity arose and maybe the background isn't as good, also tried a lower viewpoint this time.