Monday, June 13, 2011

world war logo

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  • Blog Feeds
    07-08 11:30 AM
    AILA Leadership Has Just Posted the Following:

    While the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (�IRCA�) prohibits employers from knowingly hiring or continuing to employ unauthorized workers, the Obama Administration�s decision to vigorously enforce employer sanction laws against employers, before providing a path to U.S. employers to legalize critical essential workers, is plain bad policy. �Immigration officers are investigating workplaces in every state in the US to check whether they are hiring illegal workers.� ICE launches workplace immigration crackdown (

    We are in the midst of the �Great Recession� and U.S. industry is struggling to remain competitive. President Barack Obama�s strategy puts U.S. employers and industry between a rock and a hard place. While the law requires U.S. employers to verify, through a specific process, the identity and work authorization eligibility of all individuals, whether U.S. citizens or otherwise, it is practically impossible to obtain legal status for employers who discover undocumented workers in their workforce � even if they have been employed for decades. Immigrant Visa Numbers Hopelessly Encased In Amber (

    The diligent employer questioning the veracity of employment eligibility documents can face discrimination charges and vigorous enforcement by the U.S. Department of Justice, if for example, they check only Latino workers, or subject certain classes or worker to extra scrutiny. The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel enforces the antidiscrimination provisions that protect most work-authorized persons from intentional employment discrimination based upon citizenship or immigration status, national origin, and unfair documentary practices relating to the employment eligibility verification process. The law prohibits retaliation against individuals who file charges and who cooperate with an investigation. Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair ... (

    No one knows how many of the 6,000,000 U.S. employers, as well as household employers, are familiar with, and in full compliance with the complex U.S. immigration law. Many employers are surprised when told the law requires ALL employers to complete an Employment Verification Form I-9 for any new employee hired after November 6, 1986, or face huge civil fines, and possible jail sentences. The I-9 Employee Verification form must be completed within three days of hire for all hires including U.S. citizens.

    Vigorously enforcing this law without providing employers any way to keep essential workers puts employers struggling to make ends meet with the possibility of receiving huge fines, and even prison sentences if they "knowing continuing to hire five or more workers." Actual knowledge of the undocumented worker's status isn't always required, and "constructive knowledge" will suffice where the employer "should have known" of the worker's status. For example, if the employer tries to sponsor an undocumented worker for immigration benefits, the employer is presumed to know of the workers lack of immigration status. The Department of Homeland Security, through its enforcement division, Immigration and Customs Enforcements (ICE) has undertaken a massive new enforcement effort directed at employers large and small. More than 650 US businesses to have employee work files audited ( Los Angeles Times - ?Jul 1, 2009.?

    The focus on audit enforcement is clearly evidenced by the rising number of worksite audits, increased heavy civil penalties and likely continuing criminal prosecutions resulting from worksite violations. Immigration Focus Is on the Employers ( New York Times - ?Jul 1, 2009? �The Obama administration began investigations of hundreds of businesses on Wednesday as part of its strategy to focus immigration.�

    While employers need to be extremely cautious and take steps to ensure that their employee verification papers are in order, the government needs to fix the immigration mess BEFORE pursuing this new aggressive policy of conducting ICE AUDIT "RAIDS�. Employers should be given an opportunity to pursue a legal path for essential workers before the Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers come �knocking at the door.�,0,7434438.story (,0,7434438.story) Los Angeles Times: L.A. employers face immigration audits.

    Many employers are caught in a Catch-22 when it comes to employee verification. �If you�re in the roofing business, if you�re in the concrete business, you don�t have American-born workers showing up at your door ... you have Hispanic workers showing up at your door, and they have what looks to be a legitimate Social Security card ... under our current law, if they have a card that looks legitimate and you don�t hire them because you suspect they are illegal, then you are guilty of discrimination and could be investigated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that�s the current system and it�s broken." Said Norman Adams, co-founder of Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy to the Houston Chronicle: Immigration crackdown goes after employers. (

    Vigorously enforcing these laws without providing an option to employers is plain bad policy and it could make our economic situation worse. My experience with the employer verification law is most employers are simply not familiar with all aspects of the complex immigration laws. Most employers don't know that if they question a legal worker�s documents, the U.S. Department of Justice (U.S.D.O.J.) may charge them with discrimination. The adverse impact on the economy and on the housing market could be serious. The substantial economic contribution of hard working immigrants is clear. Economic contributions of immigrants come in many forms in California. ( The California Immigrant Policy Center ( estimates that the state's immigrants pay $30 billion in federal taxes, $5.2 billion in state income taxes, ( and $4.6 billion in sales taxes ( each year. The Selig Center for Economic Growth ( calculates that the purchasing power of Latino and Asian consumers in California ( totaled $412 billion in 2008 � nearly one-third of the state's total purchasing power. The U.S. Census Bureau ( found that California ( businesses owned by Latinos and Asians constituted more than one-quarter of all businesses in the state as of 2002, employing 1.2 million people and generating sales and receipts of $183 billion. Where would our economy be without these immigrants? ( Sacramento Bee: Immigrants are not a fiscal drain.

    Comprehensive immigration reform requires a path to legal status for the undocumented and an orderly system for future worker flows to allow U.S. industry to innovate and compete globally. It will require a complete overhaul of the government agencies that now mismanage a slew of immigration programs that could and should be the rejuvenating lifeblood of our nation. ( New York Times: Opening a Door to Young Immigrants.

    The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) understands the issues from a deep perspective, not merely from an emotional view. We believe that a sensible comprehensive immigration reform package will have to include smart enforcement, a path to citizenship for the 12 million undocumented immigrants currently living and working in the U.S., elimination of family and employment-based visa backlogs, adequate visas to meet the needs of U.S. families and businesses, a new visa program for essential workers to enable employers to legalize critically needed workers in agriculture, construction, and to provide future flows in certain areas including scientific fields, where as many as two thirds of our advanced degreed graduates are international students. We must also provide due process protections and restore the rule of law in immigration adjudications, and in our immigration courts. AILA Welcomes Obama's Proactive Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform This Year (

    More... (

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  • eb3retro
    04-11 09:05 PM
    always efiled, never went for finger printing..follow my previous posts for more updates.

    world war logo. World War II Graves logo
  • World War II Graves logo

  • chandra140
    10-13 01:48 PM
    I got the 140 denial notice.
    The USCIS did not mentioned any reason like my valid labour is expired.Not sure is the denial is because of 180 day rule or not.

    Here is the reason...

    The petitioner did not submit an individual labour certification for the beneficiary or evidence of schedule A designation.As such, the beneficiary is ineligible for classification as a member of the preofessions holding an advanced degree or an alien of exceptional ability.

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  • World+war+2+planes+german

  • nvishy
    05-12 09:36 AM
    You have no other option except to wait in Toronto. If the consulate decides to issue visa, then there is no need to go to stamping in India as they will issue the visa themselves.


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  • evacuation in world war 2.

    04-20 07:08 AM
    I filed paper EAD renewal to TSC. TSC received application on 4/14/11 but my check is not cashed yet. How long they take to deposit the check and issue the receipt notice?

    world war logo. U.S. Navy in World War II,
  • U.S. Navy in World War II,

  • prem_goel
    11-22 10:11 PM
    Hi, is anyone planning for H1b stamping at Tijuana mexico on 30th November. If so, please contact and we shall plan together. I am in LA area. Thanks!


    world war logo. The War Game: WORLD WAR II
  • The War Game: WORLD WAR II

  • mambarg
    08-05 11:44 PM
    I took some time to compile the list of INDIA only EB3 and EB2 categories for past 2 years and from the trend, it is very easy to predict the Oct bulletin.
    It does not need a attorney or spies. You just need to work up the numbers.
    I did this only for INDIA. Any chinese can complile it for China.

    Aug 05 C 01APR01
    Sep 05 C U
    Oct 05 01NOV99 01JAN98
    Nov 05 01NOV99 01JAN98
    Dec 05 01JUL00 1-Jan-99
    Jan 06 01JAN01 01JUN99
    Feb 06 01AUG01 01JAN00
    Mar 06 01JAN02 01JAN01
    Apr 06 01JUL02 01FEB01
    May 06 01JAN03 01MAR01
    Jun 06 01JAN03 08APR01
    Jul 06 01JAN03 15APR01
    Aug 06 U 01APR01
    Sep 06 U 15APR01
    Oct 06 15JUN02 22-Apr-01
    Nov 06 01JAN03 APRIL01
    Dec 06 08JAN03
    Jan 07 Jan03 May01
    Feb 07 Jan03 May01
    Mar 07 Jan03 May01
    Apr 07 Jan03 May01
    May 07 Jan03 May01
    Jun 07 Apr04 Jun03
    Jul 07 C C
    Aug 07 U U
    Sep 07 Jan03 May01
    Oct 07 Jan03 May01
    Nov 07 Jul03 June02
    Dec 07 Jul03 Jun02
    Jan 08 Jan04 Jun02
    Feb 08 Jan04 Jun02

    Here is my analysis.

    Bulletin dates moves by six months as max jump for EB2 and 1 month for EB3.
    Begining of New year in Oct, they conservatively pull back the numbers so as to flush out pending apps.
    Now since they have already flushed apps in June/July, in Nov they will move EB2 by six months and possibly either stop there or make it one full year by moving it by another six months.
    For EB3, they like to get it stuck at mid year so Jun02.

    Guys, give a thought to this trend and see if you can guess more accurately.

    2010 World War II Graves logo world war logo. map of world war 2 allies and
  • map of world war 2 allies and

  • Neocrack
    04-17 12:03 PM
    The Application for a new passport can be made within 12 months before the expiry of the passport.

    At NY consulate if you can go to the consulate and submit the documents in person you can pick up your new passport within 5 - 7 working days. If you are mailing your documents add the estimated mailing time to the process.


    world war logo. Board index ‹ WORLD WAR ONE
  • Board index ‹ WORLD WAR ONE

  • miguy
    06-16 12:18 PM
    Once you file for 485/AP/EAD, I guess the rule is that you cannot switch jobs for 6 months.....

    1. can we choose the start date of our EAD or does USCIS decide that date?

    2. can you have separate start dates for you and your wife's EAD?

    3. does the new job have to be exactly the same title or can it be a new title? e.g. if your current role is a software engineer, can the new one be a Project manager?


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  • propaganda world war 1. war

  • brb2
    09-21 09:37 PM
    Any time of the day there are more "guests" logged on than members. Making all the forums "members only" will double the membership right away:)


    world war logo. Theater of World War II
  • Theater of World War II

  • Norristown
    10-15 07:15 AM
    Recently I came across a different situation where outsourcing caused to lay off GCs and citizens(Ind origins).
    My friend is working in a medium company for 5 years after he got GC.
    Comapany decided to outsource certain piece of project to TCS and in that effect my friend was laid off. I think in future this might more often to us who are waiting in line for GC. May be it is part of life ....
    Most funniest part is company has prepared a official guidlines to employees how to communicate with indian team (which is mostly located in India).
    here are examples...
    1) when they say they understood every thing, do not take it seriously. Ask them explain what they knew.
    2) during discussion do not use any US slangs. Talk to them in simple english.
    3) do not be surprised for few new words like FUNDA, Bouncer, Sixer (cricket), Yaar,
    4) know something about cricket. Indians love cricket game.

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  • Toworld worldwar may logo

  • wc_user
    12-24 10:07 PM
    All said and done, isn't it safer to just get your H1-B stamped and come back using H1-B visa. This way, there is no doubt. I have an AP, but I am planning to get my H1-B visa stamped when I go to India in January.


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  • soldiers in war world

  • dealsnet
    06-18 03:07 PM
    In AOS, you are in status, even if you are not working. But you must have a valid job offer in hand. They must employ you immediately after your GC approval for the job with same description and salary. Any time USCIS can ask for the job letter.
    For unemployment benifits, I don't know.
    For empoyment based GC, candidates are suppose to work till get GC. Small gap is ok, if you have job offer. If you are laid off by the GC sponsering company and they are no longer in business means, you are out of status, if no other job or offer in hand.

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  • of Duty: World at War logo

  • gemini23
    07-27 03:21 PM
    thanks for all the answers.


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  • World War II Games

  • amoschid
    07-08 09:52 PM
    5 star from me too :D

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  • After World War I and

  • Munna Bhai
    01-09 01:01 PM
    Mine is Feb 2007 NSC. I-140 got RFE on Oct will be replying sometime this week.

    Looks like they may work on May 2007 cases sometime this month occording to NSC progress.

    what that RFE was for?? could you please share, if ability to pay, then how much was written on your application and what is your education etc.

    Thank you very much.


    makeup Board index ‹ WORLD WAR ONE world war logo. what weapons World War III
  • what weapons World War III

  • sen
    02-21 08:02 AM

    I have a similar question. I have both H1 visa (valid till Feb 09) and approved AP document. I am planning to use my H1 during my re-entry into US. Do i still need to present/inform about my AP to POE officer?

    Please advise.

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  • World War II action/zombie

  • lahiribaba
    03-30 01:20 AM
    Thank you guys for helping me.
    Could you tell me please if it's ok to write where it's written "purpose of trip"........that I want to travel to visit my it ok with Uscis if I write that? Or what else should I write.
    Thanks again!

    If you cannot f***ing write that you are visiting your parents then you better not live in a country like thatt...are you a fool or what??

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  • force during World War I,

  • Rb_newsletter
    01-07 08:36 PM
    I found this article in I could not understand the below line in legal sense. Does this line means that delayed registration of birth is not acceptable?

    ImmInfo Newsletter: Required Supporting Documents: Birth Records (

    Delayed birth certificates are also not considered as conclusive evidence of birth.

    03-09 02:50 PM
    Based on, It's likely that EB3 World will move but India and China will remain stagnant:confused:

    As most EB3 numbers go to IT software and as there are so many issues, until DOS and USCIS fix these issues they wont move these forward

    08-03 12:11 PM
    Why is it that people who have filed after me have already received their notice and had checks cashed? I thought it is based on when the application is received is how they process- I am freaking out thinking that my application fell behind a desk somewhere....