Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • swo
    07-13 02:51 AM
    I spent over 20 years in Canada. Fact is, I never EVER waited a month to see a doctor. Not once. Nor has my sister who is still there.

    I spent 7 years in Australia. Never had a problem getting a doctor there either. In fact, I will say that it truly is AWESOME there. Great people, great opporunities, good money, incredible lifestyle.

    I have spent 7 years in the US. It's a wonderful place with heaps of opportunity. The cost of living is higher than any other place but I accept it because because I like so much about living here. I like the people, I like the weather. I like the countryside and the culture.

    You see, for me, there are many great things to be found in all 3 of these places. It's not a contest. There are good and bad aspects to life in any place you chose. In that one area, I agree with you. There are pros and cons that need to be considered. What you choose is a personal decision based on your needs, objectives and desires.

    It's that simple.

    One last thing. Normally, I'd let this go. After all not everyone's first language is English. But when you start making ludicrous remarks about "illiterate Canadians", and demonstrate in that very same post that you are unable to construct a single decent sentence, well frankly, you're undermining your argument a little.

    And by the way, Canada has one of the top literacy rates in the world.

    And Do you (canadian wanna be) have any clue that to get respected salary and position you will be forced by illiterate Canadians to have "Professional Engineering Certificates"... It will suck blood out of your body for 5 years... So just do not read "Greener Side" of Canadian Immigration... I know it may not be applicable to all but more or less most of will have to face the same music in their careers. My all Canadian friends and relatives want to be Americans.. Only some of them practically could proceed for that.. After some stage of life it becomes hard to move families.. That is the reason they are facing now to take decision and simultaneously do not want to live in Canada anymore.. If you have 101 fever it will take 1 month to have Doctor's appointment... GST.. Higher taxes.. statistically there are chances "Most of members of this forum - Canadian Wanna Be" will have less promotions and/or increments in salary eventhough they will find themselves most skilled wherever they will work. Top posts would be the dream for most of you guys unless you start your own business.. if you understand what I am trying to tell... In USA it is not that way.... Having said this I can not say that everybody will experience the same what I am trying to portray but most fo them will.

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  • panini
    05-11 02:10 PM
    if you are Singhalese 40% is good for your start College, if not, you need 80% to continue for college.

    Totally incorrect. I challenge you to prove this.

    The fact is if you go to secondary (grade 6-12) school in a district that have the best schools like Colombo, Kandy and Jaffna (Jaffna used to have some of the best schools, now I am not sure), then you need to score higher than say from someoone from a backward district like Monaragala or Batticalloa that does not have good schools. This does not have anything to do with your ethnicity. It takes in to account that fact that those from areas with best schools with all the facilities have a better chances than those from less developed aras. So a Sinhalese from Colombo or a Tamil or a Muslim from Colombo needs to score slightly higher to get in to college than a Sinhalese from Monaragala or Tamil from Amparai.

    Please do not fabricate this kind of propganda. Tamils do have equal rights just as Sinhalese and Muslims in the country. The core of the issue is this blood thirsty and power hungry LTTE terrorists does not want peace. They know that they cannot survive in a peaceful situaltion. That is why thet sabotaged all the previous peace talks.

    The LTTE is right now cornered in an area less that 4 square miles. If the SL gov did not care about the safety of the civilians do you really think it is gonna take them this long to finish the LTTE. The reason is that the SL forces are moving very slowly and cautiously to minimize civilian casualties. The sad thing is that the LTTE terrorits are shooting at their own people to create a situaltion and get international attention. Isn't it ironical that the so called saviour of the SL Tamils Probhkaran now has to hide behind the saris of poor innocent tamils women to save his skin??????

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  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • vjkypally
    09-23 05:41 PM
    Like I said earlier March is the real bottleneck for year 2005. More than 3000 applications.October bulletin has already moved to Jan22'2005. From other tracking sites there are not too many Feb'2005 applications. But we have plenty of March 2005 applicants. Once it crosses March it will zoom ahead to end of 2005.

    But it could be September 2010 by the time it comes to March,2005.

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  • Justin Bieber amp; Selena Gomez

  • vdlrao
    07-23 04:52 PM
    I felt very bad and compleately moved when I was read about Mehul at that time. He was not able to get the GC in time just because he was born in India, even though he is from Fiji. During the last days of his life he was more worried about his family settlement, than his death, and moved them to sweeden. I hope this kind of sitution wont repeat to any immigrant.

    For things like this not to repeat, we need a legilation change so that it doesnt matter which country you are from and which EB category you are in, and make sure that there wont be years long back logs.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-26 01:19 PM
    ......because you are using labor substitution.

    At this time nobody can do anything legally against people who are using labor substitution and employers who are secretly selling labor substitution.

    This substitution is increasing backlogs, is unfair to people waiting in line, encourages employer exploitation since they use it as an incentive to woo employees and then exploit them, 'selling' is illegal but one must complain against the employer and the employee for DOL to act.

    Lawyers are part of this scam. I have read in some posts that even AILA opposed when labor substitution was being ended. It is a lost business opportunity for their lawyer members!!

    I have pointed several labor substitution members on the forums in the past. some of them were never found on the forum since they feared being caught. They must have changed their ID or ran away. So until a law is passed for banning it, such 'trade' that hurts our interests will continue.

    Good that you guys are only buying labor certifications. There is no 'legal' process to buy greencards directly from employers yet!!

    I am not using, but I still agree that given opportunity you should use it.

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  • vdlrao
    07-21 12:15 AM
    I presume, from the July 2007 fiasco DOS might have learnt a lesson of deciding the cut off dates very care fully based on the Aproved labors In a pertucular year from a perticular country with a perticular ctegory. So thats the reason why I am thinking that instead of putting whole EB2 as a current
    (It is estimated that there are aout 20k + visas still available for this fiscal year) DOS has put a cut of date for EB2 India/china to Jun 2006. So I could say USCIS is making the cut off dates very carefully by using all the available information like approved labors in a perticular year from a perticular country and in a perticular category.

    Originally Posted by delax
    Here you go - conversion should not impact this as the number of LC approvals remains the same:

    Here are all the LC approvals for India in the last seven years.

    Year, Total LC Approved, Total India
    2007 85112 24573
    2006 79782 22298
    2005 6133 1350
    2004 43582 No Info
    2003 62912 No Info
    2002 79784 No Info
    2001 77921 No Info
    2000 70204 No Info

    If you see the appoved labors by a fiscal year above, I am assuming that there would be about 10,000 labours for EB2 India every full year except 2005.
    In 2005 there may be only about 600 labors for EB2 India.

    Based on this it would be
    About 5,000 labors for EB2 India from April 2004 to Sep 2004 (About half year),
    About 600 labors for EB2 India from Oct 2004 - Sep 2005

    About 5,000 labors for EB2 India from Oct 2005 to 1st Jun 2006( About half year)

    So total labors may be around 10,600 which needs about 25,000 visas.

    So it seems there are about 20k visas availble now.

    So they have moved the dates accordingly.


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  • May 28, 2011. Justin Bieber

  • unseenguy
    08-18 06:00 PM
    I do not know why this issue is more important for people to discuss. Just because Mr Khan is asked to be a common man? He is not a world famous actor. He is a famous actor to a very very small minority Indian Community in USA. Why should USA give VIP treatment to any star actor from any country of the world? If he was an official ambassador/senior diplomat/Minister, it us understandable. He is simply coming to USA to make money. He will still come again to USA to make money even if he is strip searched again and questioned for more than 66 minutes. Indian government seems to have crossed the line by complaining. This VIP culture that is so prevalent in India needs to change.
    If Indian government really wants to complain, why are they not complaining against the long wait periods for H1B stamping in India. Ordinary Indian citizens going to India for stamping sometimes have to wait several months in the name of security checks. This takes a toll on their life and job in USA. There are several other issues Indian Citizens face in USA. If Indian government has chosen to interfere with the internal matter (in this case national security) of USA, why is it keeping quiet on other matter of importance to its citizens? Indian government needs to stick to its policies and not bend its rules for VIPs.

    As someone said, if his intention was to publicize his new movie and make more money from his share of profit, he may have succeeded.

    I agree with some points here and I dont with others:

    First of all, whether a person was traveling in official capacity or not was he profiled? Because of his name , skin or status? Whatever it is.

    Second, if we give same treatment to brad pitt or tom cruise, would it be acceptable to americans and you too. Would it be a process or would you then dismiss it as nonsense and inefficiency of Indian admin? How you see things in perspective is also important.

    Thirdly, Shahrukh, though not an official and is here making money, is a high profile person. His case and this incident , embodies the unreasonable and insensitive treatment many many commoners get by hands of inefficient US administration.

    You pointed out right, hundreds and thousands are facing security delays, stamping issues, issues at POE etc. Thats what this incident highlights.

    If a high profile person from India, Shahrukh, faces so many problems, then people can imagine the troubles of the commoners.

    I would see this as a "representative" case for many Indians and highlighting it would give some negative publicity to CBP and restore some "common sense" in general.

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  • romysree
    08-14 02:31 PM

    After i received my EAD i changed my employer. Now i am thinking about representing myself instead of my previous attorney. Could you please suggest the forms/procedures to do the same?



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  • jsb
    06-05 10:18 AM
    Not really the biggest barrier is same or similar job. It is absolutely unfair no not let someone grow into different areas and keep the job exciting. I personally had to pass on so many opportunities even within my own company because of similar job constraint. In fact in many good companies including mine the executives encourage you to get experience in different areas of business before you are considered ready for executive positions and the VP of my division clearly told this to my director that i need to move on to a different job area. In general the AC 21 is risky and if you are waiting for 6-7 years you may not want to take the risk as USCIS make decisions which are unreasonable. AC 21 is also not a law and is subject to interpretation. The deal is that it is completely unfair to not let a person grow professionally and let him or her try different careers. Granted some folks may like to stay in same job area and continue what they are doing and these changes will not impact them but for those who want to try something different every few years this same or similar job rule is a curse.

    EB is based on employer's need and sponsorship. Even AC21 is a deviation (in our favour) after 180 days wait. That seems fair, as permiiting you to ditch sponsoring employer soon after your filing for permanent residency could lead to fraud.

    Any suggested change should not appear to be too much deviation from the original intent. Best potential seems to be for USCIS to communicate preadjudiation decion to clients without waiting for the visa number (stating that the decison letter could be used for GC benefits, such as those given by EAD & AP, until such time formal GC card is issued, which could be done when visa number becomes available). This should reduce USCIS workload as they will not have to keep on working same cases again and again with frequent requests for FP, job confirmation letters, etc.

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  • msadiqali
    07-22 03:03 PM
    dont even go near amway (quixtar) whatever name they call it unless you want to spend more money on useless things and recommend your friends also to spend lot of money on useless things and get commission on that..

    cheap and best, use shikakai, neem and indian products for good health and lot of fruits and vegetables and will get everything you need from these than these stupid products...


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  • Being Young and Having Money

  • apnair2002
    04-29 09:26 AM
    04/29/2007: Elimination of Substitution of Aliens for the Certified Labor Certification Applications
    As we stated earlier, the OMB had 90 days to make a decision on this DOL Final Rule. It was submitted on 01/26/2007 and the OMB cleared on 04/27/2007, just immediately prior to expiration of 90 days.
    This final rule will not go into effect until it is published by the DOL in the federal register. Record reflects that this final rule will not be published in the federal register, Monday, 04/30/2007. We have yet to see what changes to the proposed version of the rule the DOL made in the final rule. However, it is certain that this rule will not go into effect on Monday, 04/30/2007, and there may still be some actions the employers can make before it is published in the federal register.
    Pending Labor Certification Cases: PERM rule does not allow any amendments and no substitution of alien beneficiary available until the PERM application is certified. By the time PERM is approved, it may be too late to initiate the substitution. However, the cases which are pending at the BECs are different. The beneficiaries can be substituted inasmuch as the job order and the BEC supervised recruitment has yet to be initiated. At this time, the amendment of the BEC application does not require a paper request and e-mail or even phone call request followed by fax will work to substitute the alien. Under the final rule which will go into effect soon, the labor certification applications at the stage of DOL can survive only if the substitution has been approved at the time of release of the final rule. Accordingly, the employers can contact the BECs tomorrow, Monday, to amend the pending ETA 705 and alien beneficiary over the phone, via e-mail, followed by the phone calls and fax or straightforwardedly via fax. CAVEAT: If substitution is denied and original beneficiary ETA 750 is denied for the reason that there is no beneficiary, the employer can lose everything!!
    Certified Labor Certification Cases: These cases will not be able to survive unless the I-140 petition is quickly filed on Monday substituting the alien beneficiary. The earliest filing date will be "Tuesday" since overnight delivery has to reach the Service Centers. Still worth trying. Once it is "filed," it will be safe. There remain a host of issues which will have to be resolved by the USCIS as to the consequences of the denial of these substitution I-140 petitions on issues other than alien beneficiaries qualifications such as the employer's financial ability to pay the proffered wage, etc. Obviously, the denial becomes a "final" action, the cases on appeal to the AAO will continue to remain outside the parameter of the elimination rule. Another question is the effect of motion to reopen of denial of substitution I-140 petitions. There is some chance that the USCIS may decide that once the motion is granted and I-140 petition is approved, the DOL's final rule of elimination of substitution will not affect the case. What if the employer refiles the substitution I-140 petitions? The chances of these cases will remail slim or nil. Since it will be considred a "new" filing of substitution I-140 petition, the USCIS may rule that such filing will be subject to the DOL's substitution elimination final rule. There will be other issues which fall under the jurisdiction of the USCIS rather than DOL as related to the interpretation of the substitution I-140 petitions. The USCIS is scheduled to initiate this rule making process sooner or later. Please stay tuned.
    Impact on the Retention of Priority Date: The rule of retention of priority date is governed not by the DOL but by the USCIS. Under the USCIS rule, the priority date of the labor certification application is not retained until I-140 petition is "approved." Accordingly, if the decision of the denial of the substitution I-140 becomes final on appeal, the substituting alien will not be able to retain the priority. Neither the original beneficiary can retain the priority date unless the alien beneficiary substition I-140 petition was filed after the I-140 had been approved for the original beneficiary.
    Impact on the 7th-Year H-1B Extension: Until the substitution I-140 is denied and becomes final on appeal, the substitutiing alien will be able to continuously extend the H-1B status in one-year increment, but the substituted alien will not be able to extend the 7th-year H-1B status based on the substituted labor certification application. Once the decision of denial becomes final, the substituting alien will not be able to extend the H-1B status after that time, but the validity of the approved 7th-year H-1B status will remain valid until the expiration date.
    Impact on the 245(i) Benefits: Grandfathering of the 245(i) benefits cannot be transferred to other aliens and substituting aliens cannot take over the 245(i) benefits unless the substitution was filed before April 30, 2001. Once the grandfathering is attached, it remains valid unless "not approveable at the time of labor certification application filing" is found. Accordingly, the denial of substitution I-140 petition on behalf of the substituting alien will have no affect on the original beneficiary's retention of the 245(i) benefits.
    Well, let's wait and see the text of the soon-to-be published final rule.

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  • PR1978
    07-29 11:29 PM

    1) My I-485(EB2-India) application file has two I-140 receipts (both of these are EB2) one of these I-140 is approved and the other was denied and a Motion to Reopen has been filed for this. How will the two EB2 I-140s affect my I-485 application?

    2) I got a RFE for my I-1485 on June 17th 2008, asking for a I-140 approval notice. As we do not have a physical approval (never received the approval, may be lost in mail) notice my current attorney responded to the I-485 RFE and included the first I-140 receipt notice and also a copy of the approval email received from USCIS. The attorney also included the details of the second I-140 i.e the Motion to Reopen (I-290B) notice. Is the approach a good one?

    3) My attorney also requested to consider the approved I-140 for adjucating the I-485 for me and my wife since the approved I-140 was filed and approved before filing the I-1485 and also we were married before the I-485 was filed. Will USCIS consider this request?

    4) Also, will USCIS have a copy of my I-140 approval notice and will they use that and consider my I-485 case?

    5) Will a Infopass appointment help in anyways?

    My PERM labor was approved in May 2006 and my priority date is current for August 2008. The I-485 RFE response was received by USCIS on July 16th 2008 and my I-485 processing has resumed. I was wondering if USCIS will consider my approved I-140 for processing my I-485. Also, any other suggestions you could give me would be appreciated.


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  • Keeme
    04-16 12:50 PM
    Ultimately everything boils down to corruption. Huge money is going down in the pockets of big media houses, it is so damn obvious...Hindustan times, IBN & NDTV carried pictures of Priyanka Gandhi's children for 3 days on the front page, I never saw pictures or anything on Chandrababu Naidu, Yedirappa, Badal, Gehlot, Shivraj Chauhan or for that reason anybody....these kids are more important than our grassroot leaders ? The family is talking about "Rahul kee Shaadee" and the whole media is printing that, nobody's asking them where were you and what you did in last 5 years ??? - Intresting article on Narendra Modi.

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  • BharatPremi
    12-14 03:19 PM

    O.k here I am trying to reach the conclusion for my own proper understanding: Whether it is "Discriminative" OR "Restrictive" OR both OR none

    Scenario Example:
    Year 2009:

    ROW EB: Only Britain nationals apply say 30000 people - No other ROW
    national apply
    ROW EB current
    NO EB Backlog for ROW

    What will happen to the files of (30000 -9800) these britain nationals?


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  • Justin and Selena Kissing

  • dilber
    07-15 07:25 PM
    For first quarter EB2 India will have 1/4 of 9,800(7% of 140k visas), which are 2,450 visas. I wonder
    how u got 800 visas. I dont see much retrogression in EB2 dates other than some mild ones. And the dates move pretty fast on a whole.
    About EB3: it wont be like now all the time. The Immigration reform bill wont keep failing all the time. There would be a time for it to pass in the next two years. As soon as it passes all our Employment Based categories, specifically EB3, will get greatest benefit with PDs almost becoming current.

    First of let me congratulate you. You have been amazingly accurate time and time again about the movement. Do you have some internal sources:rolleyes:
    Jokes aside I think you miss calculated the 2450 visas for the first quarter for the EB2 India. I think the 7% country limit is on a state as a whole including EB1, EB2, EB3, and others. So going by this India gets 9800 visas for a year without any spillovers. The spillovers happen in the final quarter only so for each of the first 3 quarters EB2 will get 28 percent of one fourth of 9800 and the same amount will go to EB1 and EB3 as well. so EB2 I gets 686 visas. But I agree with you that in the last quarter EB2 I will move very fast because it will get all the spillovers from EB1 and EB2 ROW..

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  • sidbee
    06-02 03:59 PM
    Its possible we will not win such a lawsuit....I am not a lawyer, and often things which seem discriminatory to the common man, cannot be proved so in the court of law.
    Yet, such a lawsuit could get some publicity and at least highlight the baltantly unfair laws against certain groups people based on country of birth in the EB category.

    It very well depends on the lawyer .

    If he could prove country quota as unconstitutional, which i feel it is.

    But yes IV should talk to a good constitutional lawyer(not immigration), and find the odds,

    And as you said, even if we do not win , we would for sure get some media coverage.


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  • manishs7
    07-22 03:38 PM
    This is my reply to these Amway leeches: Whenever I am asked What I do for living/where do I work.
    My Reply (with straight face): I work for a Law firm. We specialize in frauds and scams law suits. Quick as a wink they disappear after hearing this. This has worked so far.:D

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  • Canuck
    02-13 10:19 PM
    Besides that, immigration is a privilege not a right, so if the US wants diversity and limit per country immigration, it is their right to do so.

    What rights did the Natives have in the 18th and 19th centuries when Europeans invaded their lands, and massacred most of them? Did they respectfully ask the Natives if they could immigrate? No? They walked in as if they owned this land. As a Canadian, I'm ashamed to say that this happened in my country too.

    Never think of immigration as a privilege - think of it as your birthright - this is your planet and you have the right to go wherever you want. Get into that mentality instead of the groveling "Please sir, I want some more" mentality.

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  • dilber
    07-16 03:37 AM
    Some one has done a very good analysis in this thread.

    Here is copy and paste of the post by gcobessesed


    Reading this post and the Ron Gotcher numbers, I see some answers for the pending India backlog number question and a silver lining for EB2.

    Originally Posted by drirshad View Post
    (Quoting Ron Gotcher) The CIS backlog does not appear to be as serious as I had been told previously. Rather than 600,000 pending employment based AOS cases, it is likely less than 400,000 pending cases.
    Indian applicants make up approximately 40 to 45 per cent of the entire employment based quota backlog
    Therefore, about 160,000 applications are pending for India!

    As we have seen before, EB3 and EB2 are almost the same proportion for India with EB3 being slightly higher. So, about 85,000 for EB3 and 75,000 for EB2 are pending.

    I am very confident that EB-2 india will become current in about 14-18 months.

    I disagree with the underlined part before the visa numbers started to move fast in June and The July bulletin EB2 was at Jan 03 and then at Apr 04 but EB3 was at May 01 and then at June 2003 so there will me more like 60~65 percent of Eb3 filers so for calculating EB2 movements we should take this into account as well. So if USCIS does end up giving all the spillover numbers to the retro cuntries in EB2 then I have to agree with Vdlrao's analysis that there will not be much retro in India in the next FY and by the end of next FY it might even become close to current.

    08-15 09:49 PM
    I warn you not to start the Muslims vs rest debate here....I would say most (not all) people are fanatics will do any attrocity in the name of religion. Blame it on your fellow fanatics for this mess. Yes, you need to pay the price for 9/11. DHS and TSA are created to protect the innocent civilian and its their duty. If you dont like dont come to USA.

    What SRK - global icon you are talking about. He is not leader of the nation...he is just actor. He might be god for you and does not need to be the same for others.

    You might want to read this warning to yourself. I am not a Muslim myself, but solely pointing to the obscureness of the system. Even Kamal Hassan payed a price for his name, it's high time this changes, and this routine harrasment is very comparable to the H1B experience at POE.

    02-15 04:31 PM
    Who is preventing people of ROW for applying H1b or Green card EB ? Employers look for availability of talent not for country of origin and anyone who competes in the global market wins. If ROW countries have less people with marketable skills or less people who want to work outside their countries,it is not the problem of Chinese or Indians. There is no logic with Employers being forced to wait for visa numbers to comply with diversity. There should be a FIFO system without any country of birth barriers. USCIS wastes more annual visa numbers due to these country caps. Lets make these guys fine tune this immigration system which is actually against the free market capitalist principles of this country.

    Employers hire only based on talent, ROW people must have less marketable skills or not want to leave their countries and we need to teach the US on capitalist principles.
    You are absolutely right, you didn't miss my point, you completely lost touch with reality.
    People who keep asking that we just stop the discussion, tell me how we can focus on the issues with people telling us there r more of them here because they are smarter and more marketable. Is this their idea of how to bring us together?